Edit initial submission actions

Initial submission actions execute when a record has passed the entry criteria for an approval process and the process starts.


Approve Vacancies

Request to Hire

Initial Submission Actions

  1. Lock the Vacancy to disable editing.
  2. Set the Vacancy Submitted Date value to today's date.
  1. Lock the Application to disable editing.
  2. Set the Application Submitted Date value to today's date.


Refining the default Vacancy approval process

If a Vacancy has been submitted for approval and is subsequently resubmitted, an email is sent to the approver but no action is generated in WX. This is because the Vacancy Approved Date field is populated and must be cleared for the WX action to be generated. If you anticipate Vacancy resubmission and want WX actions to be raised for re-approval, refine the Vacancy approval process by adding an initial submission action to clear the Vacancy Approved Date field.

Follow the procedure in this section to add a new Field Update for the Vacancy Approved Date field and specify the new value as Blank.

To edit initial submission actions for an approval process:

  1. If the process is active, deactivate it.
  2. In the Inactive Approval Processes related list select the Approval Process Name:

    Screenshot:  Inactive Approval Processes related list

    Sage People displays the Approval Processes Detail page for the process you selected.

  3. Go to the Initial Submission Actions related list section:

    Screenshot: Initial Submission Actions related list

  4. To edit a listed action already assigned as an Initial Submission Action, select Edit:

    Screenshot: Selecting Edit

    Sage People opens the edit page for the type of action:

    • Task
    • Email Alert
    • Field Update
    • Outbound Message
  5. To delete a listed action assigned as an Initial Submission Action, select Remove:

    Screenshot: Selecting Remove

  6. To add a previously defined action to this approval process, select Add Existing:

    Screenshot: Selecting Add Existing

    Sage People displays the Select Existing Actions page:

    Screenshot: Select Existing Actions

    1. Select the Choose Action Type picklist and choose the type of action:

      Screenshot: 'Choose Action Type' picklist

      Use the for: field and select Find to refine your search if the Action Type alone results in a long list.

    2. Select an action in the list of Available Actions and select Add to select it. You can select multiple actions if you want.
    3. Select Save to add the selected actions to the approval process as initial submission actions.
  7. To add a new action to the approval process select Add New and select the type of action to add:

    Screenshot: Selecting 'Add New'

    Sage People displays the appropriate page:

    • Use New Task to add a template for approval processes or workflows to automatically assign an action to a user. Complete the fields to assign the task to a User, Role, or Owner, specify a due date, and select Save.
    • Use New Email Alert to add an alert based on an email template to associate with an approval process or workflow. Complete the fields to select a template and recipients and select Save.
    • Use New Field Update to define an object field to update as part of an approval process or workflow rule. Select the field you want to change, specify the value as blank or define the formula to set the value, and select Save.
    • Use New Outbound Message to configure an outbound message to an endpoint you define, together with the fields you want to include. Complete the fields to define the message and select Save.